Your Expert SEO Partner

Seva Cloud has one sole purpose – To serve you. Transform your website into a powerful tool that works for you. Our WordPress websites are designed and built with strong foundations to encourage your ideas to grow, with intuitive design, fully optimized and sleek workflows. We design and build websites on the WordPress platform, the largest content management system (CMS) on the market today so you get a lightning fast, optimized and secure website from Day 1. Enlist the help of our professional SEO service. With our expertise, you can streamline your SEO process, saving time and frustration, ensuring your website is fully optimized.

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Tailored SEO Strategies That Reduce Complexity

  • Website Visibility
  • Organic Traffic
  • Site Speed
  • Donations
  • Online Marketing Goals
  • Engagement
Simple | Effective | Efficient

The Basic SEO Process

Partner with Seva Cloud and continue making the world a better place for all, together.

Step 1: Site Audit

When auditing a website for SEO, the first place to start is Site Structure. How are the pages and content laid out. Is the site easy to navigate and intuitive to use? Does the functionality fulfil the intended goals? Does the content portray enough authority within your niche? Then pay attention to the Responsiveness of the site. Does it maintain its functionality and ease of use on all screen sizes? And lastly, Accessibility. Can users of all abilities access, navigate and use your website. These are often overlooked in an SEO strategy but create a strong foundation for results to follow.

Step 2: Competitor Analysis

Look at the following in comparison with your top 3 competitors on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP); What is the word count? How many headings are optimized? Which keywords are being targeted and how many times do they appear? Are the URLs optimized? Do they have appropriate anchor text on links? How many internal and external links are there on a page? Is structured data being used, if so, how and where? Collect this data about each of your pages and calculate the average across the 3 competitors. Add 10% to the totals and you have your targets.

Step 3: Implementation

Start by restructuring the site and content into a useable and intuitive workflow to help your website visitors understand and get what they’re after, regardless of their ability or the device they’re using. Then improve the content to position you as the authority within your niche. After this, work on the on-page SEO discovered during competitor analysis. This is an ongoing process as your competitors will likely be doing the same to you (they’d be silly not to). Then it becomes time to generate the off-page SEO, e.g. backlinks.

The Basic SEO Checklist

Implement these things and do it better than your competition and you’ll elevate your website up the SERPs. You can find out more about implementation in the SEO FAQ

  • Site Structure Audit
  • Responsiveness Checks
  • Accessibility Checks
  • URL Structure
  • Word Counts
  • Heading Counts
  • Keyword Counts
  • Appropriate Anchor Text
  • Internal Link Count
  • External Link Count
  • Structured Data Usage
  • Calculate Averages
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Backlinks
  • Link to Google Business Profile
  • Address and Localization
  • Content is Authoritative

Our Latest SEO Projects

Add value to your organization and return the benefits to your local community. Check out the work we’ve done – Tailored SEO strategies

Personal Blog

Rev. Dr. Inderjit Bhogal OBE

Small Business

Jeremy Neal Funeral Directors

Based in Rotherham, Jeremy Neal Funeral Directors approached us in 2023 to manage their existing and outdated website infrastructure after some reliability issues. The website is now fully responsive, easy to navigate and scores over 90 on both desktop and mobile SEO analysers. We corrected a number of broken links which has improved the sites crawlability and the site receives a good mix of search based and direct traffic.

Not for Profit

Upper Wincobank Chapel

Liamarjit is a trustee for the Charity of Mary Anne Rawson for Wincobank School. The board manage both the Chapel Building and the School House building, located on Wincobank Hill in Sheffield. The previous website was hard to navigate and looked outdated. The new site is lightweight, performant and fully responsive and is making its way up the Search Engine Results pages for “Wincobank Chapel”.

Building Your Platform for Mutual Growth and Long-Term Success

We innovate by combining cutting-edge technology with human-centred design, ensuring our solutions are both efficient and user-friendly

Affordable SEO packages for Individuals, Small Businesses and Non-Profits

Performant, Accessible, Optimised Websites

Responsive Web Design
Innovative WEB design solutions

Elevate Rankings with Expert SEO Strategies for Individuals, Small Businesses and Non-Profits

We help small businesses and charities access Search Engine Optimization at an affordable cost. We use a low code approach to keep costs down and improve the time it takes to bring your site online.

  • Local Service
  • Local Business
  • Individuals
  • Charities
  • Increase Visibility
  • Increase Rankings
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn – Benjamin Franklin

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) FAQ

Websites are complicated and we exist to reduce that complexity for you. This FAQ section is here to help answer some of the questions you may have about ranking them on Search Engines, specifically Google. There is a lot of information here, not to scare you away, but to demonstrate that SEO is not easy, there are no shortcuts and there’s a lot to it, but with sustained efforts you will see improvement – At some point I’ll clean this up and write proper blog articles to cover the topics. At any point in your optimization journey, whether you’re right at the start or have already begun, if there’s anything we can help with, please contact us using the form at the foot of this page.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of optimizing or reoptimizing a websites architecture, structure and content so that it matches a user’s search intent and is more relevant to a user’s search query, therefore appearing higher up a search engine results page (SERP). There are 3 main disciplines within SEO: On Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and Technical SEO. We’ll dive deeper into these further down the FAQ.

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Top Tip – Be yourself. Tell your story. Speak directly to your audience

  • On Page SEO – Refers to all the visible text that can be seen by a search engine bot. This involves text that can be seen by a standard human website visitor and text that cannot. That may sound like magic, but with a little knowledge of how websites work, it really isn’t difficult to implement. The basic premise is:
  • DO – Make your content really really good. Make it relevant. Make it easy to understand.
  • DO – Become an authority within your niche
  • DO – Optimize keyword density, word count, headings and link anchor text
  • DO – Use White Hat SEO techniques that are authentic, trustworthy and engaging.
  • DONT – Try to game the system. Spamming keywords will do more harm than good.
  • Off Page SEO – Refers to increasing traffic to your website by generating more user signals away from your website, for example, by posting to Social Media and guiding your audience back to your site, by generating high quality articles on other authoritative sites that link back to your site and by showing the search engine that you are a real person with a real business, for example, with a Google Business Profile.
  • DO – Post to social media, Video is currently a very strong signal that you are a real person
  • DO – Maintain an optimized Google Business Profile
  • DO – Generate high quality backlinks from authoritative sites via Press Releases, Citations and Directory Listings
  • DO – Watch what your competitors are doing and then do it better than them
  • DONT – Create backlinks from sites with high spam scores. This will be a negative ranking signal.
  • DONT – Use Black Hat SEO techniques that try to manipulate or trick your visitors or the search engines.
  • Technical SEO – Refers to the architectural aspects of running a website, such as ensuring a fast page load speed, reducing the size of images and fixing broken internal and external links within your pages.
  • DO – Optimize your website for mobile screens as most visitors are viewing your site from a mobile
  • DO – Maintain good security and performance of your website
  • DO – Make your site structure and URLs easy for a human to read, this will naturally make it easier for a search engine to read
  • DO – Choose the right plugins for the job
  • DO – Aim to keep people on your website in a natural, unshackled way.
  • DO – Monitor over time. SEO is a slow process and results typically take 2-6 months to materialize
  • DONT – Add too many plugins to your websites backend.
  • DONT – Install 2 plugins that do the same job

SEO is essential for increasing the visibility and discoverability of your website, organization or business.

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Top Tip – Make your website as easy to use as possible. Use animations to enhance, but do not sacrifice ease of use or distract.

  • Increased Visibility – SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) making it more likely to be seen by people searching for relevant keywords, topics or services related to your work.
  • Increased Traffic Higher visibility leads to increased organic traffic to your website, as more people are likely to click your link when it appears at the top of the search results.
  • Better User Experience – SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of your site, including the content and user experience, resulting in a smoother, faster and more user friendly website. This encourages visitors to stay longer on your website which is a very powerful ranking signal.
  • Build Credibility and Trust – Websites that appear higher up the SERP are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy. By ranking higher on the SERP, you establish credibility within your industry.
  • Competitive Edge – SEO allows you to compete effectively since the other sites appearing above you are likely doing the things on this page, just a little better. To gain a competitive edge, you need to implement SEO effectively, constantly and in relation to the on page, off page and technical SEO already implemented by others higher up the SERP.
  • Targeted Traffic – Only attract the visitors that want to be on your website. This is important to increasing the time people spend on your website. Do this by optimizing your pages for specific keywords and phrases (known as long-tail keywords) related to your work and you’ll reach more people searching for products and services like yours.

Organic traffic, in relation to Search Engine Optimization, refers to the visits/clicks through to your website from sources that you didn’t pay anything for. This usually means the traffic generated from the clicks you gained from appearing high up a search engine results page (SERP). Generating organic traffic is different from paid search traffic, for example, from adverts. Organic search traffic is highly valuable because it usually means that the visitor is actively searching for something and your content or service was deemed the most relevant. It hasn’t been forced there, it occurred naturally or organically. Organic traffic is also considered more sustainable in the long-term compared with paid advertisements as organic search results can generate traffic without sustained advertisement spending.

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Top Tip – Organic search traffic is FREEEE!! Your focus should be on generating long term sustainable organic traffic.

  • Highly Valuable – Organic Search Traffic is traffic that has occurred naturally because your content or service is deemed the most relevant based on the search query or search intent of the user.
  • Free – Well to some degree, if you didn’t pay for an SEO or copywriter. It’s free in the sense that you don’t have to pay to get your content to appear to higher up the SERP. This happens naturally because your content is more relevant than the rest.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an umbrella term for a collection of techniques or strategies that work together on different aspects of your website or content to improve its relevancy, and thus visibility to users within search engines. Short term SEO ‘hacks’ may work for little boosts, but to generate a sustainable, powerful and meaningful amount of traffic, SEO strategies are usually long-term and continual efforts. You can use tools to assist you in monitoring and analysis of keywords, trends and performance. By implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy, you can improve your websites visibility, attract more organic search traffic and achieve your online marketing goals.

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Top Tip – SEO is an ongoing process. Revisit your strategy every couple of months.

The key components in any SEO strategy are:

  • Content Creation – Creating highly engaging and relevant content a key foundation to any SEO strategy. Without good content, the customer will not be compelled to stay on your site, to contact you, purchase your products or donate to your cause. You must write for your audience, for a human, to a person, not for the search engine crawlers (the automatic systems that the search engines use to log the information about your website). Be authentic, be realistic, be truthful, be trustworthy. Be you. Write with your personality expressed. With your experience and anecdotes and write to inform and help, rather than to sell, push or manipulate.
  • Content Reoptimization – Content needs to be continuously reoptimized as the search algorithms are constantly updated by companies such as Google and Microsoft. What worked last quarter might not be relevant any more. Furthermore, content/techniques that used to generate positive ranking signals could now be penalised and may be negatively impacting you, so they need to be updated or removed.
  • Keywork Research – This is the primary effort to discover what your audience or customers are searching for and tailor content to them in a way that is relevant, authoritative and engaging. This involves analysing and identifying the search terms being entered into the search engines to find products, services or information related to your business or service.
  • On Page SEO – This involves optimizing (on every page) the naturally occurring keyword density (i.e. Don’t just copy and paste the keyword phrase 100 times over and over, that won’t work), the overall word count, the headings to contain a good variation of the keyword(s), adding relevant images from your work, reducing the image sizes and adding alt tags to them, linking to other relevant pages on your website as well as linking to other external websites and adding a meta description for the page (the short bit of text that appears along with the page title on the search engine result).
  • Off Page SEO – Off page SEO is usually performed after the On Page SEO has been optimized, but they can be done together. This is about building the authority and trustworthiness of your domain by linking back to it from other authoritative and trustworthy domains, from Social Media and from other online mentions. The more you get the better (generally), but some domains can have a high spam score and a link to your site from a domain with a high spam score could be detrimental, similarly, broken links back to and within your site are also a negative experience for users. Therefore, identifying and removing spammy or broken backlinks should also be part of your strategy.
  • Technical SEO – This involves ensuring that your website is accessible by the search engine crawlers. When the crawlers access your site, they log the structure and content of your site (this process is known as indexing). If a crawler cannot index your site correctly, then the information on the website cannot be understood by the search engine. Therefore, you need to ensure the website is easy to crawl and the links within your website to other pages make sense to the user journey and information flow.
  • Local SEO – This is about optimizing your website or page for a specific geographical area, a certain city or town for example. To appear in a search like “SEO in Stocksbridge”, “websites near me” or “web designer near me”. To do this, location specific pages demonstrate the area(s) in which you provide your services. These are then linked to your Google Business Profile so they are associated with your postcode/property and appear in location specific keyword searches.
  • User Experience – This is often overlooked, but is a huge reason for keeping people on your site. If your website is hard to use, distracting or too pushy, your website visitors are likely to leave. If website visitors leave your site quickly after arriving, this is a negative signal to search engines that the content was not relevant or helpful for them. This is known as the bounce rate. A high bounce rate is bad for rankings. Therefore, you want to ensure they are staying on your website and reaching the content they’re after and that they are able to access it and understand it. So it may seem great to have a flashy website that moves and unfolds as you navigate, but visual aesthetics do nothing for rankings. Find the balance between aesthetics and functionality. Remember that the aim is to provide relevant content and an easy to use website for your customers.
  • Monitoring and Analysis – Every SEO strategy should be monitored and analysed over time to get an understanding of went well or if anything could be improved. Also to understand the return on your investment. SEO strategies are usually slow burners and it can take weeks or months to see any results. You can analyse search trends in the market and generate relevant content. You can also monitor your competitors and see how they’re performing. Because your competitors are likely doing the same, constant analysis and reoptimization is necessary to stay ahead of the curve.

It takes time to see results from any actions relating to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and that time can vary significantly depending on a few factors, including the competitiveness of the industry, the current state of your website and the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. You should expect to see increases in organic traffic and search engine rankings from a few weeks to a a few months. It is important to note that all SEO strategies are long term strategies, there are no shortcuts. Any quick-win techniques are unsustainable, they may provide short term boosts, but will tail off as quickly as they gained. Balance these with long-term, sustainable, consistent growth strategies.

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Top Tip – Be patient. Following the advice on this page will make positive, sustainable improvements in time.

To give an example of what to expect:

  • 0-3 Months – This is the first phase where you’ve implemented your SEO strategy. Within the first few months, you’ll see some slight or gradual improvements in your websites SEO performance and there may be some spikes as the algorithms test your content. During this time, you may consider using a paid advertising campaign to generate some short term traffic gains.
  • 3-6 Months – Within this time, you should be seeing more substantial improvements in your organic traffic counts and page rankings. Your specific keywords should be moving up the SERPs. It’s also time to review the initial implementations and make any further adjustments. Constant SEO audits and reoptimizations are highly beneficial and keep the momentum going.
  • 6+ Months – After 6 months is when the impact of your SEO efforts have settled in, your search engine trustworthiness, credibility and authority have been established and your traffic and rankings should be most significantly increased. However, as mentioned previously, leaving optimizations to stale will undo all your hard work. Keep on top of your reoptimizations to keep seeing continual and sustained growth.

Be patient, be confident in your efforts and be persistent. Focus on providing value to your audience and don’t try to cut corners or game the system. Following these points will generate long-term success with SEO.

An SEO strategy is a comprehensive plan of action designed to improve your website’s visibility, trustworthiness, relevance and authority in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves a combination of techniques and tactics aimed at ranking a website higher in search engines and attracting more organic traffic. An SEO strategy could contain one or many actions depending on the business goals and previous SEO efforts.

See What Is Involved in SEO? for a break down of actions.

As the Search Engines are constantly updating their algorithms and your competitors are constantly updating their strategies, SEO is an ongoing process and a consistent, patient and persistent strategy is the key to long-term success.

All SEO strategies should be monitored and analyzed for performance over time as both a measure of success and a measure of return on investment.

Writing website content optimized for SEO involves incorporating relevant keywords and phrases, providing valuable information, e.g. insights from your experience and optimizing various on-page elements to improve search engine rankings.

For each page on your website you should analyse the top 3 results on the SERP and optimize based on that. Calculate the appropriate amount of elements to add to your page(s) – Add the counts from the top 3 results, find the average and add 10%:

  • Prove You’re Human – Search engines do not like regurgitated, AI written content. Write from your own experience and show there’s a human behind the words. An easy way to generate this is if someone asks a question on your social channels or email, try to answer it genuinely with a caring and compassionate article or video that speaks to that person and direct them there. You then have it available if someone else asks the same question. Much like what this FAQ section is attempting to do.
  • Create High-Quality Content – As above, your content needs to be high quality, which means unique in some way. Only you have your experience. Use this to create informative and engaging content that addresses the needs, questions, and interests of your target audience. Aim to provide valuable information, solve problems and answer common questions related to your industry or niche.
  • Optimize On Page Elements – This involves ensuring the elements on your pages, such as text, headings and images are optimized
  • URL Structure – Optimize your URL structure (permalinks) so they’re clear, concise and understandable by a human. Create relevant silos of information by nesting your pages in relevant sub-categories:
  • Good Example (Very clear what this is about):
  • Bad Example (Not clear at all what this is about):
  • Headings – Aim for a single H1 (Main Title) containing your keyword at the top of your page. The second heading should be a H2 with a variation of your keyword. All following headings should be nested at the correct level and make sense if transposed into a table of contents with appropriate uses and variations of your keyword. Heading counts can be obtained by analysing the top 3 pages and adding 10% to the average.
  • Links – Use an appropriate amount of internal and external links. Internal links should point to relevant pages and make sense when navigating around your site map. Try not to disrupt relevancy by by linking to pages in non-relevant (to the current content) sections of the site.
  • Anchor Text – This is the text used to describe your links and buttons. Avoid the use of non-descript anchor text such as “Click Here” or “Learn More”. Instead use informative text such as “Our Latest SEO Projects” and “Meet The Team”.
  • Images – These should be correctly sized for the screen type being viewed from (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop/Laptop), contain Alt text (alt tag) which is used to describe the images to someone using assistive technology such as a screen reader and be relevant to the content (a picture speaks a thousand words…). Be careful if using image compression plugins not to strip image metadata from your images. This is highly valuable as it can contain geolocation information that puts the image in your locality, from your device (which can’t be faked by AI! and proves it’s not from a stock image library)
  • Text – Needs to relevant and speak directly to your audience. Use Bold and Italic text to accent your words. Remember people tend to scan websites, rather than read, so if you’re reading this, thank you for your time and patience. Your investment in learning here will be worth it!
  • Page Authors – Authors should be traceable to registered profiles on the website and/or about us/meet the team pages. Avoid posting under Admin users if possible and use your actual name as an author.
  • Geographical Information – Include your service and mailing address on pages where it is relevant. It doesn’t need to be on all pages, but if you run a service in multiple towns, cities and/or countries, you should have a page for each, independently listing the correct address for the service. In your footer, you want to ensure this is only contains your main office premises.
  • Freshness – Freshness algorithms in search engines check the ‘Last Modified’ date of the page. If the content hasn’t been updated recently, it may lose relevancy. Therefore, you should aim to keep your content up to date. You can do this by reoptimizing your pages, adding the latest news articles, correcting outdated information and adding lessons learned along the way.

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are links from one website to another. In the context of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), backlinks are crucial because they serve as a signal to search engines about the quality and relevance of your website’s content. Backlinks are a critical component of SEO and play a significant role in determining a website’s visibility, authority, and credibility in search engine results. Building a strong backlink profile through natural, high-quality links is essential for achieving long-term SEO success.

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Top Tip – Focus on quality backlinks over quantity of backlinks

  • Authority/Credibility – Search engines view backlinks as a vote of confidence in a website’s content. When a reputable website links to yours, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of being ranked higher in search results.
  • Improved Ranking – The more high-quality backlinks your website or page has, the higher it is likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. Backlinks are one of the most important factors that search engines consider when determining a website’s authority and relevance.
  • Natural Links – Popular backlink strategies include guest blogging, outreach, and directory submissions (eg Yell). Natural backlinks are those that occur organically when other websites find your content valuable and link to it without any solicitation. Natural link building is considered more valuable and sustainable for long-term SEO success.
  • Quality over Quantity – Not all backlinks have the same weight. High-quality backlinks from authoritative, relevant websites carry more weight and have a greater impact on your SEO efforts than low-quality backlinks from spammy or irrelevant sites.

An SEO competitor refers to who has the top 3 spots on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) you are trying to rank on. They may not be in your area, niche or industry. Performing SEO competitor analysis involves researching and analysing your competitors SEO to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. The results of this analysis then shape your own SEO strategies. SEO competitor analysis is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor your competitors activities, track changes in their rankings and strategies and adapt your own SEO efforts accordingly to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. They’re doing the same to you 😉

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Top Tip – Use free browser extensions like SEO Quake and SEO Pro to help with SEO analysis

  • Identify Competitors – Start by identifying your main competitors. These are the websites/pages that hold the top 3 spots on the SERP for keywords related to your products, services, or content. Using a tool like SEO Quake/SEO Pro, gather the following, work out the average and add 10% to that to get your targets:
  • Word Counts – Find out how many words they have on their page that is ranking
  • Keyword Density – How many times they use the primary keyword and how many times they use variations of it
  • Headings – Note the heading counts and how many of the them are optimized (contain the keyword or a variation of it)
  • Links – (Internal, External and Backlinks) Obtain the counts. Advanced tools such as Ahrefs, Moz, or Majestic can provide insights into the quantity and quality of your competitors’ backlinks.
  • Images – Quantity used
  • URL Structure – How do the sites have their URLs formatted
  • Meta Descriptions – Find out if and how your competitors are using meta descriptions
  • Technical SEO Assess your competitors technical SEO aspects, such as website speed, mobile-friendliness, site architecture, schema markup and crawlability.
  • Social Media Presence – Evaluate your competitors social media presence, including platforms used, frequency of posting, engagement levels and audience demographics.
  • Local SEO – If applicable, analyze your competitors local SEO efforts, including Google My Business listings, local citations and customer reviews.

Using the above, identify gaps and opportunities to improve your SEO. Based on your analysis, identify opportunities where you can outperform your competitors, as well as potential threats or challenges you may face. Use this information to refine your SEO strategy and focus your efforts on areas with the highest potential for impact.

Optimizing a website for differing screen sizes ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for visitors accessing your site on smartphones and tablets.

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Top Tip – Most of your website visitors will view your site from a mobile device

Here’s how to optimize a website for mobile:

  • Responsive Design – Use a responsive web design framework or theme that automatically adjusts the layout and elements of your website to fit different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that your website looks and functions well on all devices, from smartphones to desktop computers.
  • Mobile-Friendly Navigation – Simplify navigation menus and buttons for easy access on smaller screens. Use a hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) or collapsible navigation menu to save space and improve usability.
  • Optimize Images and Media – Compress images and optimize media files to reduce file sizes and improve loading times on mobile devices. Use responsive image techniques to ensure that images scale appropriately based on device resolution.
  • Readable Text – Ensure that text content is legible and easy to read on mobile devices by using a legible font size (at least 16px), sufficient line spacing and contrast between text and background colours.
  • Touch-Friendly Elements – Make sure that buttons, links and interactive elements are large enough and spaced adequately to accommodate touch input. Avoid placing clickable elements too close together to prevent accidental clicks.
  • Optimize Forms – Streamline and simplify forms for mobile users by minimizing the number of fields and using mobile-friendly input types (e.g. number keyboards for numerical fields). Use clear labels and placeholders to guide users through the form completion process.
  • Test Across Devices – Test your website on a variety of mobile devices and screen sizes to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. Consider using browser developer tools or online testing tools to simulate different devices and screen resolutions.

White hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and black hat SEO are two contrasting approaches to SEO. White Hat SEO focuses on ethical and sustainable practices that prioritize the user experience and long-term success, while Black Hat SEO relies on deceptive and manipulative tactics that can lead to penalties and negative consequences for a website’s visibility and reputation if discovered. It’s essential for businesses and website owners to prioritize White Hat SEO techniques to build a strong and reputable online presence.

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Top Tip – Stay ethical, honest, compassionate and trustworthy in all your SEO efforts. Do not sacrifice long term success for short term gains

  • White Hat
  • Ethical and legitimate SEO practices that focus on improving a website’s search engine rankings through techniques that comply with search engine guidelines and best practices.
  • Create high-quality content, optimizing meta tags and on-page elements, building natural backlinks from reputable websites, providing a positive user experience and building trust with your audience.
  • Prioritise long-term sustainability and build trust and credibility with both users and search engines using techniques such as techniques keyword research and optimization, content creation, website optimization for mobile and speed and guest blogging.
  • Black Hat
  • Unethical and manipulative SEO techniques that aim to exploit weaknesses in search engine algorithms to achieve higher rankings quickly, often at the expense of user experience and long-term sustainability.
  • Strategies used in Black Hat SEO include keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text or links, doorway pages, link farming and buying or exchanging links.
  • Black hat SEO tactics violate search engine guidelines and can result in penalties, including lower rankings or even removal from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Black Hat SEO is considered risky and can damage your website’s reputation and credibility, as well as its relationship with search engines and users.

Weasel words are unnecessary words or phrases that are ambiguous, could later be denied and do not add any value to the reader. On a website, text needs to be succinct, truthful, validated and authentic. Words and phrases such as ‘some people say…’, ‘it has been said that…’, ‘some people believe that…’ leave your statements open to misinterpretation. Instead, provide specific citations to the information that you are citing so it can be independently verified and trusted.

If a website is built with SEO in mind, the website is much easier to understand by humans and search engines and makes any future reoptimizations much easier. Often, Web Design and SEO are separate processes requiring very different skillsets as SEO can be very technical. But the technical parts do not perform if the basic foundations are not implemented correctly. Website design should incorporate these basic foundations, such as image optimization and appropriate word counts. Imagine a car without power steering. It’s very hard to drive (you’ll know if you’ve ever driven one). Then imagine having to install power steering into it. That would be very time consuming and costly. Since all cars now come with power steering as standard, it makes them much easier to drive. Websites, by comparison, that come with optimizations, make them much easier and quicker to load, understand and start ranking higher on the search engines. For example, pages that take more than 1 second to load have a much higher rate of visitors leaving the page immediately (know as the bounce rate).

What Our Customers Are Saying

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Extremely constructive and helpful. Made my website come alive, available and visible, with a big increase in visits and usefulness. I recommend Seva Cloud highly because of the assistance and support to understand and deal with all my issues with my website.
Inderjit Bhogal
Ministry Consultant
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5 star rating
We asked Liamarjit to take over the administration of our Website and design us a new one. His advice and guidance has been invaluable. Nothing is ever too much trouble and he is very patient waiting for me to get back to him or make a decision. Excellent Service! Thank you.
Jeremy Neal
Funeral Director

Your SEO Investment

Choose from one of our SEO investment packages designed to fit your budget and requirements
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  • Up to 50 Web Pages
  • WordPress CMS
  • Basic Competitor Analysis
  • 3-4h Dedicated SEO Implementation
  • Site Level SEO Audits
  • Site Speed
  • URL Structure
  • Responsiveness
  • Crawlability
  • Broken Links
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Landing Page SEO Audits
  • Word Counts
  • Keyword Density
  • Headings
  • Images
  • Mobile & Desktop
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductAdvanced SEO
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductAnchor Text Optimization
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductSchema Markup
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductReoptimizations
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductBacklink Creation
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductKeyword Trend Analysis
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductE-Commerce SEO
Small Businesses
  • 50-100 Web Pages
  • WordPress CMS
  • Basic Competitor Analysis
  • 8-10h Dedicated SEO Implementation
  • Site Level SEO Implementation
  • Site Speed
  • URL Structure
  • Responsiveness
  • Crawlability
  • Broken Links
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Landing Page SEO Implementation
  • Word Counts
  • Keyword Density
  • Headings
  • Images
  • Mobile & Desktop
  • Advanced SEO
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Schema Markup
  • Reoptimizations
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductBacklink Creation
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductKeyword Trend Analysis
  • Feature not available in Web Design Starter ProductE-Commerce SEO

Smashing It

Larger Websites
  • 100+ Web Pages
  • WordPress CMS
  • Advanced Competitor Analysis
  • 20h Dedicated SEO Implementation
  • Site Level SEO Implementation
  • Site Speed
  • URL Structure
  • Responsiveness
  • Crawlability
  • Broken Links
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Landing Page SEO Implementation
  • Word Counts
  • Keyword Density
  • Headings
  • Images
  • Mobile & Desktop
  • Advanced SEO
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Schema Markup
  • Reoptimizations
  • Backlink Creation
  • Keyword Trend Analysis
  • E-Commerce SEO